Let me tell you a little story about a club with a big heart, big ideas and a small bank account.
On March 17, 2020 Premier Doug Ford declared a state of emergency that came with a shut down. Just like everyone else who was non essential, Dunnville Community Theatre was part of that.
Welcome to Postcards from DCT Our series starts here
This is DCT’s Live Theatre Video blog‘s main page. We will do our best to entertain, inform and enthrall you with all things “Live Theatre” here. That may be very ambitious of us and we know it. We are new at this side of the twenty first century’s restrictions & ever evolving forms of communication, so be patient and kind with us. Your feed back is welcome!
“Mike Maloney – Centre Stage one Last Time”
DCT wishes to honour the memory of our long-time, much beloved member, Marvin “Mike” James Maloney
This video, a special postcard from DCT, was lovingly made in coalition with East Haldimand Hospice & Dragonfly Wishes.
Postcards from DCT – “Season 1 Wrap Up-with everyone who was on camera”
Every member of the cast & crew gives their thoughts on this project. Over-all impressions – IT WAS FUN!
Postcards from DCT episode 10 “Return to Grimm Reality”
What happened to all those unhappy actors and that pig? A very happy ending of course!
DCT owes BARN 11 PRODUCTIONS a huge debt of gratitude. Without their expertise, patience and guidance through out this entire project we would not have been able to create, learn and grow as successfully as we did in this new endeavor. Also they sponsored this episode.
Thank you awesome BARN 11 PRODUCTIONS!
Postcards from DCT episode 9 “Directors”
What is almost everyone’s favourite job in live theatre? The answer may surprise some of you.
Visit Hauser’s pharmacy for great service!
Thinking about your health? Think Hauser’s Pharmacy & Home Healthcare. They are proud to offer a full-service pharmacy to individuals in Dunnville, Hagersville, St Catharines and Hamilton. Their pharmacy team can help you with medication reviews, specialized compounding, vaccinations and immunizations, non-urgent primary care and more. If getting around is getting difficult to you, they also offer Hauser’s Home Healthcare- your partner in mobility. A Mobility Specialist can help make personalized recommendations to help you get moving, or can assist in making your home safer for you. If you already have a mobility device, their service department can help you with repairs and preventative care of your device! Hauser’s is proud to offer free delivery to anything in-store including prescriptions. Visit them online at hauserspharmacy.com or follow them on Facebook.
Postcards from DCT episode 8 “Fairytales”
Claire dreams of childhood stories and it goes horribly wrong.
This episode of Postcards from DCT was generously sponsored by Ed Robinson Homes. Thank you Ed!
Postcards from DCT Episode 7 “Our Audience”
We asked our audience members what they liked or didn’t like about DCT. Many of them said the same thing “Me? On camera? I’m too shy!”
Linda has been a licensed Realtor since 2014 and has won the Royal LePage Director’s Gold & Platinum Awards on multiple occasions. With her expert area knowledge and personal attention, she will find the perfect home for you. You can contact Linda directly at 905.961.5344 or check out her website for contact information and current listings. www.lindaleslie.com
Postcards from DCT Episode 6 “The Producers”
What does a producer do? Why would this experience be good for you and your resume? The answers may surprise you.
When Dunnville Community Theatre needed insurance, including Director’s insurance, Peter Dieleman & Associates were there to help us. Peter’s team provided fast, friendly and very informative assistance. We are happy to receive their proud sponsorship of this episode of “Postcards from DCT”. If you have insurance, investment or financial advisory needs, give the Co-operators a call at 905 774 7576. The Co-operators have locations in both Caledonia and Dunnville. Check out their website at Peter Dieleman & Associates Inc – The Co-operators (cooperators.ca)
Postcards from DCT Episode 5 “Famous Actors”
Almost everybody wishes they were a famous actor at some point in their life. Which actors do actors wish they were? Which actor would you like to be?
This episode of Postcards from DCT was not sponsored. If you would like to sponsor an episode please visit our Contact page.
Postcards from DCT Episode 4 “BACK STAGE”
What is the second most important job in live theatre? The answer will surprise you.
This episode of Postcards from DCT was generously sponsored by Green Heron Veterinary Service. Green Heron – Bringing Animal Care to Farm & Home Visit Green Heron at http://stephvet.ca/ to see what excellent services they offer.
Postcards from DCT Episode 3 “Who was your favorite character to play AND what is your favorite play?”
Find out what actors think about the characters they love to play and the plays they love best
This episode of Postcards from DCT was sponsored by Peter’s Engine & Rental Centre 851 North Shore Drive, Dunnville. Let the friendly staff at Peter’s Engine help you with their sales and service excellence. Check out their website to see what they’re all about https://petersengine.ca/
Postcards from DCT Episode 2 “What is the funniest thing that ever happened to you on stage?”
Some surprising things can happen when you’re on stage!
This episode of Postcards from DCT was sponsored by Liz Koster, Royal LePage Real Estate Broker and long-time supporter of Dunnville Community Theatre. To find out more about Liz and how she could help you find your dream home or help you sell your current home check out her website www.lizkoster.com or call her at 905-574-4600
Welcome to our introductory Videoblog entitled “How Did We Get Here”
This short film is our maiden voyage into a ocean of theatrical entertainment and information. We hope you enjoy it and continue to follow us on this journey. Be sure to watch to the very end – there’s something to learn and laugh about there too. As always, we would love your feedback!
To gain audience interest before starting the series we made two promotional videos and we really hope you enjoy them. We certainly enjoyed making them. Let’s grow together in this playful adventure.
Promotional video one – Thank You Dunnville!
Promotional Video two – What do Theatrical People do when they have no stage?
Our series “Postcards from DCT” will start appearing here on October 6th. A new one will be posted every other week. We welcome your comments and involvement. If you are interested in becoming part of our Video team please fill out this form to say “I want to be involved” on the Become part of DCT page of our new website. We will welcome you!
Marching our banner down Broad street for the Mudcat Festival
DCT enjoys the community in which we live and because of that we work to be part of it. We strive to be a valued part of our beautiful town’s commonwealth, work to be involved with other organizations and recognize the importance of contributing to community events.
In 2022 we made a humble effort at being part of the always fun Mudcat Parade by marching our banner and pulling a wagon full of candy, water, and business cards.
In 2023 we made a grand effort to launch a float full of famous rock icons and we thought it went quite well. However we do it, DCT is very proud to be part of this beautiful town and its marvellous celebrations.
Every year since COVID left us all home alone, DCT has produced a Christmas video. Please enjoy them even if it’s not the right time of year or a holiday you celebrate.
Wishing all our members, fans and supporters a happy & heathy holiday!
In the first year of Covid-19 restrictions we could not launch a production and started discussing the possibilities of doing Videoblogs. We put our corporation’s house in order and submitted an OTF grant under the Resilient Communities Fund. Then we sat back to wait. We’re not very good at waiting so we decided to give 1 small video a try just to say “Happy Holidays”. We missed our fans and families and just wanted to convey something happy and hopeful to the community. We were pretty happy with this video and in many ways it spurred us on with its whisperings of “Videoblog, Videoblog, wherefore art thou Videoblog?”
Happy Holidays from DCT
Nurses week arrived after we had news from the Ontario Trillium Fund that we had been awarded a grant but at that point it was still hush hush. We could not move forward with any plans until we got the go ahead. We have a great nurse on our board – Kathryn Stengel– and a another great nurse –Loretta Ward – who volunteers to photograph us, so we definitely appreciate nurses and wanted to add our shout out. Jordan dug his equipment out and made another short video from DCT.