DCT’s 2024 Season

NEXT – Dunnville Community Theatre takes it on the road

In this year of our 50th Anniversary we had a special opening event: a traveling show presenting a home grown play called NEXT. The play was a comedy about, well, speed dating and grief. We know that doesn’t sound very funny but it was.

The play’s synopsis: When 12 lonely people, at loose ends with their lives attend a disorganized speed dating event, at a local pub, it takes a missing person and Tom Jones to help them see that they might be in the wrong place at the right time.

We could not have produced this monumental step in our history without the very generous grant we received from 100 Women Who Care Haldimand and the exceedingly gracious sponsorships we received from these local businesses: Cooper Funeral Home, Liz Koster Real Estate, Hedley, McLachin & Attema, Dunnville Lion’s Club, Ruffins Pet Supply, Duliban Insurance, Hauser’s Pharmacy, Grand Erie Home Hardware, Ed Robinson Homes, The Minga, Good Looks Hair Design, Houghton Sloniowski & Stengel, Lynn Adams RE/MAX Escarpment Realty Inc and Nigh’s Conrete. We also received generous donations from Private sponsors. We are so very grateful to have had such outstanding support. Thank you all so very much!

Drama Camp 2024

Oh what fun we had! This year we ran drama camp at full capacity and it was a wonderful experience for students, helpers, our most excellent teachers Ellie Bloomfield and Dana Hauser. It takes a village of volunteers to provide this fully funded exuberantly fun program to the youth of Haldimand County.

We are so grateful for the generous funding we received (again) from the Rotary Club of Dunnville and for our sponsorships from Hauser’s Pharmacy (again) and Wes Moodie (also again). With out the fantastic support from our community we could not make this happen and it is SOOOO worth it!

Tickets for NEXT:

This play which has been 1 year in the making, takes a comical look at SPEED DATING which is experiencing a resurgence in direct response to lonely singles’ frustration with dating apps..

We have a wonderful cast of Characters who have been working hard. We had excellent venues – in Dunnville and Fisherville. Jarvis will be no exception, their hall is beautiful. We have a fantastic caterer and this event will be licensed under the AGCO. And so our story continues to what’s NEXT

To purchase tickets for your last chance to see NEXT, hit the link to Jarvis below.

Tickets may be purchased at Art Service located at 152 Queen St, Dunnville or on-line – powered by Zeffy – below. There is no additional fee for on-line purchases however, Zeffy does ask for a donation. You will see donation options in the box after the ticket total but before the final total. Hit the down arrow at the right to choose an option. “Other” will allow you to enter the amount you would like to give.

Sorry: on-line ticket sales are now sold out to the Jarvis Lions’ Community Centre show on September 14

Countryside catering will provide an excellent buffet meal once again in Jarvis. There will be a CASH bar. Tickets must be purchased 6 days in advance (for the caterer’s information). We look forward to seeing you!

The Diary of a Burning Woman

It’s Christmas Eve and the grand opening of “The Cooked Goose” Tavern. Your hosts, Agnes and Ebenezer Pennypincher, are on hand to make sure you enjoy your evening. However, there is someone else attending who has a different idea.

The DCT is thrilled to announce our November production of “The Diary of a Burning Woman”, a Murder Mystery dinner/theatre and luncheon/theatre, as the finishing piece of the celebration of our 50 Years of Live Theatre!

As well as wonderful food and show, each performance will have the added features of a Penny Sale (the winner of each item will be announced at the final show on Sunday), a Silent Auction of a Jim Camelford print at each performance, and 50 years of memories with a screening of pictures. We encourage you to come early to reminisce with us!

Tickets must be purchased by Friday, November 8

Get your tickets soon! Spaces are limited to 80 people per show.

Only 5 tickets left! Friday, November 15 – Doors open at 5:30pm, dinner and show start at 7:00pm. Dinner is catered by Debb’s Cuisine and will be Christmas-themed. Tickets are $65.00 pp. Cash bar.

Only 3 tickets left! Saturday, November 16 – Doors open at 5:30pm, dinner and show start at 7:00pm. Dinner is catered by Debb’s Cuisine and will be Christmas-themed. Tickets are $65.00 pp. Cash bar

SOLD OUT! Sunday, November 17 – Doors open at 12:00pm, luncheon and show start at 1:30 pm. Luncheon is catered by Carol’s Kitchen. Tickets are $45.00. Not a licensed event.

Cash, Debit and Credit Cards will be accepted at the venue.

Yeah! Drama Camp is back.

These guys had a fantastic time learning and playing while gaining confidence in their capabilities.

Good news everybody Class Act returns.

Dunnville Community Theatre will be hosting Drama Camp again this summer. We are thrilled by this because we know how good this is for our community and for the youth who participate.

  • Date are:
  • August 19-23 – for youth entering grades 4-6 in September 2024
  • August 26-30 – for youth entering grades 7-9 in September 2024

All classes will be held in the upstairs hall of the Optimist Club in Dunnville – 101 Main St E. Applications are available at Dunnville Library or by e-mailing dramacamp-24@dct73.com

This program is fully funded and includes snacks during nutrition break.

Registration & Auditions

DCT is looking for 15 actors to play characters from the ages of 18-80 in our home grown 1 Act Play called NEXT.

You may register for an audition by coming to our registration session on Monday January 15th from 6:30-9:30 pm at the Optimist Hall of Dunnville OR you may request a registration form by e-mailing next@dct73.com.
Why come in person? You get to meet the writers, ask questions and introduce yourself in person. You will also get a look at our rehearsal space.

The play will be performed at these places on these dates:

  • Dunnville Airport Museum RCAF#6: June 14 & 15, 2024
  • Fisherville Lions’ Community Centre: June 22, 2024
  • Jarvis Lions’ Community Centre: September 14, 2024

Most characters will have dialogue of 3-5 minutes so this is a great place to begin if you are new to the stage.

We hope to see you come out and join what should be a fantastic event!

If you have any questions that are not answered here you can call

DCT’s 2023 Season

2023 opened with Having Hope at Home a funny & charming story of a daughter wishing to give birth at home, while trying to convince her obstetrician father that it was the right choice to make.

As part of our 50th anniversary celebration DCT entered a float into the Dunnville Mudcat parade this year. The theme was Rock & Roll. We did our best to represent rocks stars from the last 5 decades. We may have fallen a little short but we sure had fun!

Thanks to the generosity of our sponsor, Liz Koster and the loan of the great trailer from Ed Robinson Homes and the Art work from our pal Judy, the float looked pretty good.

Drama Camp 2023 was a great success again this year. We had 2 great classes and 3 awesome sponsors (The Rotary Club of Dunnville, Hauser’s Pharmacy & Wes Moodie Realty) to make this happen. And once again we had lots of learning and even more fun! Don’t miss this annual event. Last 2 weeks of every August.

For our Fall production we choose to do The Lion in Winter. A period piece with great costumes and lots of drama. There was also excellent humour in this play with truly wonderful performances by the hard working and talented cast. The venue – Knox Presbyterian church in Dunnville provided an atmosphere that made the audience feel like they were actually in a castle. We also had great sponsors for this show.

DCT presents: NEXT

A homegrown play by Dunnville Community Theatre

Come and join us in “Bernie’s Place” to be part of this entertainment experience where the “Audience is not Just the Audience“.  Only 1 show left at the Jarvis Lions Community Centre. Opening for us will be the Jarvis Lions’ Nightclub Singer

The story we will share in each of these places, is a humorous look at the multi-sided influences of loss, loneliness and courage.  It will have you laughing outrageously and crying quietly.  

What’s it about?
When 12 lonely people, at loose ends in their lives attend a disorganized speed dating event, at a local pub, it takes a missing person and Tom Jones to help them see that they might be in the wrong place at the right time.

For just a tiny glimpse behind the scenes:!

Come on out and join the fun!

The Lion in Winter

DCT’s Fall Production 2023
Ticket information & purchasing options: Yes Please!
Show me the menu: Absolutely!

About the play:

In its 50th year, Dunnville Community Theatre is proud to stage James Goldman’s classic play “The Lion in Winter.”

DCT is back on stage with something a little different: a historical (and sometimes hysterical) drama.

The year is 1183 AD.  Henry II, the aging king of England, has brought his wife, Eleanor of Aquitaine, from her prison to share the Christmas holiday with himself and their children.

Henry’s mistress, Alias whose dowry is the valuable county of Vixen, has been promised in marriage to his son Richard, and Philip, King of France, is on his way to demand the wedding.

Eleanor wants Richard to have the throne. 
Henry wants John to have the throne.

And to complicate things – everybody has knives all the time and there’s some real schemers in the group.


Who gets the Vexin? Who gets the Aquitaine? Who is to inherit the kingdom? Who gets to marry Alais?

Merry Christmas and God bless us everyone?

Not bloody likely.

And you thought your family Christmases could be awkward…

The cast of characters:
  • Henry II – first Plantagenet: Obtuse, Stubborn and Powerful – a man of many accomplishments.
    Sometimes called a cold and bloody bastard
  • Eleanor of Aquitaine: Determined, Devious and sometimes Delightful – a woman of great power and property.
    – Sometimes referred to as a democratic drawbridge
  • Richard the Lionheart – Warrior, Leader and Mama’s boy – a man of contradictions and great capabilities.
    – Sometimes called an unnatural animal
  • Geoffrey the second remaining son – Clever, Scheming and manipulative – a man who wants to be the man behind the King.
    – Sometimes referred to as a device- made of wheels and gears.
  • John the family dunce – Naive, Trouble maker and Papa’s boy – a 16 year old with very few working faculties who loves to be a nuisance.
    Sometimes referred to as a walking pustule.
  • Alais, daughter of King Louis of France – Betrothed to Richard, Mistress to Henry and Sister to King Philip of France – the only pawn in a castle full of master chess pieces.
    Often referred to as poor Alais.
  • Philip King of France – Fresh to the throne & determined to make his mark. He has a deep hatred of Henry and a love of Richard. Both of these feelings work against him.
    Frequently referred to as boy