We are very pleased to share our Drama Camp program with the youth of Haldimand County again this year. Last year was a wonderful, eye opening experience for everyone involved! We witnessed inspired growth in our students and in ourselves. We watched and participated in the joy of creativity, the willingness of students to work together, and the blossoming of their personal expression as they developed their confidence while learning new skills. This experience was valuable to both the shyest and the most confident of youth—and to us. We look forward to building on this success this year.
Let’s have a look at some of the fun we had in last year’s Drama Camp:

A group prepares a tableau for “Road Trip”. This was a fun exercise that everyone enjoyed.
Another group prepares their tableau exercise called “So Embarrassed”. No one was injured in the preparation, practice or performance of this exercise.

And these are just some of the things we did!

Drama Camp is open to youth who will be attending grades 4 through 9 this September.
All classes will be held from 1:00 – 4:00 pm Monday – Friday on the 2nd floor of the Optimists’ Club of Dunnville, 101- Main Street East (sorry there is no elevator available).
Grades 4-6 classes will be held from August 14-18. 15 spaces are available for this class.
Grades 7-9 classes will be held from August 21-25. 15 spaces are available for this class.
Participants will share their achievements for their families in a short performance on the Friday of each week on the main floor of the Optimist Hall. Specific time to be announced.
Drama Camp is free to accepted applicants. Nutrition breaks are included.
Our Youth Drama Camp program is funded by a generous donation from the Rotary Club of Dunnville and by Hauser’s Pharmacy and Wes Moodie of ReMax Realty.
Applications are available at the Dunnville Public Library or by e-mailing dramacamp-23@dct73.com.
Applications may be turned in at the front desk of the Dunnville Public Library or by e-mailing them to dramacamp-23@dct73.com.
Applications have aptitude questions. Dunnville Community Theatre reserves the right to screen applicants. Parents or Guardians of applicants will be notified of their child / youth’s acceptance by August 11, 2023.
All instructors must receive their completed OPP Vulnerability Check before volunteering for this program.